You might not be a number person, but most people that own a business are money people. You like seeing how you money is being spent. Your return on investment. Maybe an idea of where you should spend your money?
You should be able to break down any of your marketing efforts to a number and you should understand if that number is good or bad. Tracking links are how professionals break down marketing campaigns to track website traffic, email traffic - anything really. It allows you to break down a true ROI, give you more information specific to your audience and if done correctly, allows you to integrate marketing outlets to repurpose and funnel clients.
At any point you should be able to look at your analytics and see how your audience found you, how much they engaged with your content and more. Tracking links can tell you information like the specific marketing campaign they came from, the source and even notes. All of this information is then available for you to market marketing inferences from! You can repurpose and pull in these clients to quicker them through the buyer consideration process and turn from a lead to a client.
If you are looking to learn more about how this can be done for you, please contact me!